Docker Runtime Install with Ansible

Before we install the Kubernetes components, we need to choose the runtime environment to handle the containers created by the Kubernetes objects(pod) and more specifically CRI( a plugin) OCI-compliant container runtime software that handles the communication between kubelet and runtime service. Once the container is created, individual containers can be created/stopped/started/removed independently. But if the containers are part of the Kubernetes controllers(replication controller, replicaset), then the desired state maintenance is part of the orchestration tool.

The most widely known container runtime is docker, however, this is not alone and we have other software available in the market CRI-O, CoreOS Rkt, etc and for more Comparison.

Here I have chosen, Docker as the container runtime interface for the k8s cluster.

I am going to follow the official docker documentation steps to install the docker on all the target machines.  DockerOfficial

Three steps:

1. Remove old docker entries
2. Install docker
3. Start the Docker Service

Step1: Older versions of Docker were called docker or docker-engine, so let us uninstall all along with their dependencies.
Note: If this is a fresh installation and had no dependencies with existing processes then only attempt the remove old packages step. If anything required you can edit the list and run only that can be removed for this installation. 

Login to Ansible-master machine and current working directory should be ~/k8s/playbooks, Check out previous lectures.

$ #Execute the below snippet and run the playbook.

cat <<EOF > docker-old-remove.yml
- name: create a Docker Runtime environment
  hosts: all
  become: yes
  gather_facts: false
     - name: Remove if any existig old docker refernences
          name: "{{modules}}"
          state: absent
            - docker 
            - docker-client
            - docker-client-latest
            - docker-common
            - docker-latest
            - docker-latest-logrotate
            - docker-logrotate
            - docker-engine
            - docker-selinux
            - container-selinux
            - docker-engine-selinux
       register: dockerremove
     - debug: 
        var: dockerremove.results
     - local_action:
        module: copy
        content: "{{ dockerremove }}"
        dest: ~/k8s/playbooks/{{inventory_hostname}}_docker_old_remove

$  ansible-playbook -i inventory docker-old-remove.yml --ask-become-pass
(you can make an inventory as default, check /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg)

Step2: Since we have removed old entries and now we can install a fresh copy of the docker on target machines.

$ # execute the snippet and apply the playbook as given below.

cat << EOF > docker-install.yaml
- name: setup the docker repository && yum-utils && install docker
  hosts: master,worker
  become: yes
  gather_facts: no
    - name: install yum-utils
          - yum-utils
        state: present
      tags: yumutils

    - name: add the repository
      shell: yum-config-manager \
             --add-repo \
         creates: /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo
      register: docker_repo_add
      tags: dockerrepo

    - local_action:
        module: copy
        content: "{{ docker_repo_add }}"
        dest: /home/kubeadmin/k8s/playbooks/{{inventory_hostname}}_docker_repo_add

    - name: install docker
         - docker-ce
         - docker-ce-cli
        state: present
        update_cache: true
        skip_broken: yes
      register: dockerinstall

    - debug:
        var: dockerinstall.results

    - local_action:
        module: copy
        content: "{{ dockerinstall }}"
        dest: /home/kubeadmin/k8s/playbooks/{{inventory_hostname}}_docker_repo_add

 ansible-playbook -i inventory docker-install.yaml --ask-become-pass

Step3: Now start the Docker service on all the target machines.

# execute the snippet and apply the playbook as given below.

cat <<EOF> docker-service.yml
- name: start the docker service
  hosts: master,worker
  gather_facts: no
  become: yes
  - name: start docker service
      name: docker
      state: started
      enabled: yes
    register: dockerstart

  - local_action:
        module: copy
        content: "{{ dockerstart }}"
        dest: /home/kubeadmin/k8s/playbooks/{{inventory_hostname}}_docker

ansible-playbook -i inventory docker-service.yml --ask-become-pass

Successfully, we have installed the docker runtime and now it is time to set up the Kubernetes High available cluster with multi-master and Loadbalancer.


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