High Availability Kubernetes cluster Installation with Ansible
K8s HA Multi-Master-slave installation series using Ansible Configuration Management tool. Installation and configuration of K8s environment is a little complex job, which involves many Infra pre-requisites. Here in this series of tutorials, I am trying to use the Ansible Configuration Management tool to automate the install process of the Stacked topology of the High available cluster setup, and also same scripts can be downloaded from my git-repo. This tutorial has a series of steps involved to achieve the final stage of the K8s environment setup. If any of the below were familiar or ready on your server end. Skip to the right article and make use of them. 1. Infrastructure Setup 2. Docker runtime Install 3. HAproxy Loadbalancer setup 4. Kubernetes cluster Install (Kubeadm init) 6. Worker nodes (kubelet) join 7. Validation with Nginx deployment Architecture of Stacked toplogy and Minimum Hardware requirements: 1. LB(HAProxy) - 1.2GB, 1core, 10GB Disk Space - V...